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Friday, May 01, 2009

My Arch Foe

I struggle with it everyday, trying to overcome it, to suppress it. But somehow or another, it reveals itself, causing me much worries. My enemy is not a being, rather, it is something people detest. It is forgetfulness. Yes, forgetfulness. It had brought me pain and much worries ever since the start of school. Oh how I wish I had a better memory, remembering what to do. Recently, it is up to mischief again. It once again never fail to land me is trouble...

Yesterday, I was suppose to hand in a science worksheet. In the end, I did not hand it in to the science representative who was suppose to collect and give them to the teacher. You know why? It was my forgetfulness. I am not trying to push the blame. Yes, it is my own fault that actually cause my blunder as forgetfulness is a part of me. This infuriates me even more. I remember that morning, I remembered to hand the science worksheet in. However, as it was time for assembly, I hurried to the meeting point and thought that I would hand it in later. Then... sigh.. Forgetfulness was up to its tricks AGAIN! I forgot to hand it in. I had the whole day to hand it in including recess and after school. Yet, I could not remember to do it. Curse my forgetfulness. Now I have yet to face my punishment from the teacher.

I remember there was a time that my forgetfulness caused quite a damage. I was in Primary school, going on an excursion to the Old Folk's Home. It so happened to fall during the June holidays. Guess what? I forgot! That day when I woke up, I still did not know that the excursion had slipped my mind. It was only when my friend that went on the excursion told me about it then I realised what had happened. Amazing how forgetfulness can wipe your memory. I was quite excited about the trip too.

Even during my daily life, I have experience much forgetfulness. For example, while studying in my room, I realised I need to take my books in my bag downstairs. So I made my way down. Many times I make a detour to the kitchen and snack on some chips or bread. When I have had my fill, I rush up to my room, forgetting what the real purpose of going downstairs. Then, I will become frustrated and return downstairs to take items from my bag. See how forgetfulness had cause me to waste time.

Forgetfulness is something everyone tries to overcome. Sometimes we are just to busy that we forget meetings, goals, things to do and things to remember, especially meetings. Meetings are very important and once you fail to turn up it is most likely to cause you to be fired by your boss in the working world. In school, you may be blasted my your teachers as they feel forgetfulness is an excuse. Yes, you may say that you can control it and it is your fault that you forget to do something. Sometimes, it is really out of your hands. For example, I keep a diary so that I will remember to do homework, hand it up or go for meetings. However, I am so forgetful that sometimes, I forget to check my diary or even forget to take notes in it. See the logical? Forgetfulness is something you can be avoided but not totally prevented. It is only after a lesson then you put more effort to remember. But how I wish I need not face the bitter confrontation. Why can't my enemy just leave me alone and disappear?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jonathan,

    Maybe the root of the problem is that you are too stressed out. Too much pressure can cause a person to be frustrated and hence forget stuff. For example, you're trying to plan your schedule for the day. You realised that there is so many things to and you get very frustrated. In result, you may forget some of the things you had to complete and when it suddenly comes into mind, it may be too late already, as your schedule may already been planned and there's no 'space' in it anymore.

    Therefore, just try to relief yourself of overwhelming stress(if there is) or just consolidate every time you get home and list our calmly all the things that you need to do that day. It works for me...and one more thing: Don't be angry with yourself just because you forget something for once. Try to be positive and be happy every day. Emotions actually play a very important role.

    In a nutshell, try not to be stressed out, have a positive attitude and you may find that forgetfulness may 'attack' you less frequently. All the best!:)
