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Friday, May 08, 2009

Tragic Wars

Have you ever wonder why people have wars? Why do people still engage in such senseless fighting? Wars have destroyed our world, leaving many homeless and hungry. The after-effects of wars are as devastating as the number of people killed in the front line. I do not understand why people are willing to sacrifice their lives to fight. What do they get? Peace? No! This may lead to more fighting. More people are killed,tortured or starve to death. After watching the episode on World War Two on History Channel, Many questions are raised in my head, " Why do we have wars"

Is there a good war. I say that war is never good, no matter the circumstances.Firstly, it affects greatly the economic growth of a country. When war breaks out, people live in terror of being attacked. People stop going to work and others fled in great numbers to other countries. Much of infrastructure will be destroyed to bits. The industry will come to a standstill and a recession will occur. With nobody working, the country cannot grow and prosper. Even after the war, as much of infrastructure are destroyed, large amount of effort must be used to build up the industry again.

Another problem is that there will be a food shortage. As news of war breaks out, people flock to provision stores to stock up on food as they fear they will have a shortage of food.As demand for food increase, prices of food will increase. As prices soar, poorer people cannot afford these food items and they starve. It is not due to war in the early stages that cause people to go hungry but it is the people who flock to stock up food that caused the shortage. Also, during war, most of the food will go to the army as they take priorities over civilians.They need their strength to fight and defend their countries. As more food go to the soldiers, less food will be available to people. Furthermore, enemies fighter planes would tend to destroy plantation as it will cut of the their enemies food sources. This will slowly destroy the enemy as they need food and without it, they are useless. If the army suffer, the civilians follow suit.

The biggest problem is they many people die in war. In reference to Animal Farm, a book that is an allegory of the Russian Revolution, showed the the invasion of Russia by Germany. In that single war, 55million people, including civilians and troops ,were killed. The number is 11 times more than the total population of my country. Enemies bomb the cities with bombs, blast the infrastructure to the ground with tanks and the uncountable rounds of bullets of machine guns punch into the bodies of people, killing innocent life. That is the true tragedy of war, people sacrificing their lives.

With so many disadvantages of war, why people fight and engage in war? Many of people will say to defend your country. It is understandable that you want to be patriotic and defend your home from invaders. They want to protect the people, the people they love. The main reason for the start of war is that higher ranking people power-hungry. Some people just want to be more powerful than others so they can get control and rule the world. Power will come with money so their greed sometimes blind them from the devastating effects of war. Now, in the real world, many countries are building up on their weapons. They may say that they want to protect themselves from invasion but who knows, some countries may be plotting to engage in another war.They want to have an edge over the other countries. These people yearn for power as they make use of other people to their benefit. Also, people start war was to regain their dignity. In World War 2, Adoff Hitler hated the Allied Nations because of World War 1. After the fall of Germany of World War 1, the Allied Nations took most of their land and destroyed all the weapons in Germany. There was a recession in Germany and many people starve. It was humiliating when Germany lost the war, so the hatred grew within Hitler to regain Germany's dignity and show the world the power of Germany. That was the cause for World War 2.

This is one reason that I thought of but I know that there are many reasons for the cause of it but is hidden. With so many disadvantages, I can't understand why people still blindly fight. In the course of war, many people kill each other mercilessly.It is a gruesome sight. As the saying goes" a lion will never attack her cubs"Even a fierce lion will not attack her cubs, so why humans attack other humans. We are all of the same kind, we are all humans. If we kill each other, isn't it showing we are no better or worse than a beast. Why can't we sit down, talk and come to an agreement. Peace is the only way that will benefit the human race. War will only destroy our kind. If all these fighting just stop and have world peace, everyone will be happy. Nobody will die and everyone wins. This a what everybody wants. However, this is a utopia state and it will be inpossible due to human nature of being power-hungry. I wish the fighting would stop.


  1. Well, your post makes sense and I feel redundant commenting, but anyway here goes.

    Perhaps engaging in war may not always be for greed. Maybe they just loathe the country [or part of it] so much that they want to just exterminate it. Adolf Hitler's Holocaust in Germany was in a pleasant term, ethnic cleansing, which is to just get rid of one whole religion or race. Civil wars are too not for greed, but to just control the country. The American Civil War, Chinese Civil War and even the Russian Civil War [a part of the greater Russian Revolution] all were notorious in the pages of human history.

    War is a general term for a big-scale conflict involving physical, mental or psychological strength. There is a form of 'war', called Genocide. In Rwanda in 1994, a mass genocide occured with nearly a whole ethnic group being wiped out, and almost a quarter of its population being killed. (800,000 in 100 days). The perpretrators probably loathed the race so much that they wanted to get rid of it in such an inhumane way.

    Hence, war is not about greed. There is more to war than just atomic bombs and tanks.

  2. Dear Ryan,

    Yes, I agree that there is more to war than atomic bombs and tanks. Many other reasons could have caused wars. Like you said,people just hate a race or a country that is why war happen. This could be one of the reason as people could despise others for their races. Also another reason is that the country could face rapid population so natural resources outweigh the number of people so they suffer and die. It is understandable that they conquer others so they can survive but it is no excuse for starting a war as they could get help from other countries.It conclusion, I agree with your point that war could be caused by many factors but greed could still be one of them.

    Jonathan Koh

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear Jonathan,

    I cannot agree more with your point of view. I, too, feel that war does no good. War is an intentional, wide-spread, armed conflict between two nations, hence it nay bring about much more conflict afer the war.

    Think of the aftermath of the war between Singapore and Japan. Even now, our conflicts betweeen Japan and Singapore have not resolved. OUr classmate Marcus told me recently that he did not want to learn the Japanese language because he did not have a good impression of the Japanese. Not that I am promoting the Japanese language or critising Marcus, but I feel that this is a good example to show how a war can bring about much disdain against other countries and in the process weaken international ties between countries, even after almost half a century. Weakened international ties is another reason why I think war is harmful. For example, if Country A is economically weak, but has abundant natural resources, whereas Country B does not have enough natural resources, but is economically sufficient, then Country B would be able to purchase the natural resources from Country A, leading to a win-win situation. However, if there is war between Country A and Country B, then this would not have been possible as the two countries will probably boycott each other's goods.

    Also, war does not help to solve any disagreement of dispute between the countries. On the other hand, it creates more proclems like destroying the country's resouces, people, and other things. Two wrongs do not make a right, and I think that it is more practical to face the problem itself rather than using war to escape from the problem.

  5. Dear Jonathan

    May I ask, what inspired your post? It is an interesting topic to post about. War. Hmmm. War is when two people disagree, and they start fighting.

    Man is selfish by nature. He wants the best for himself. Thus, when he is disaproved of thus by another man, he will resort to fighting for what he wants.

    Although wars are bad, I feel that wars represent the dark side of the balance in life. (To a certain extent.) A worldwith peace and no disputes at all would become too good to be through. Such a utopian state is not achievable given modern-day circumstances. I share your view that wars do nothing but hurt and kill, however, imagine, if there was not war between the Japanese and the British over Singapore, if the British had just let the Japanese step all over them during the Japanese occupation of Singapore, we would not even be here today.

    Yours sincerely,

  6. Dear Justin,
    If you were curious what inspired me to write about this post is the episodes of World War two on History Channel.( if you have Starhub cable tv, you should know)I have seen all too many times people dying in the course of war and the trgic life of a soldier. I fell it is very senseless to kill each other. And Justin,if the Japanese did not and had not invaded Singapore in the first place, the British will not even have to step in and fight, killing more people. YEs , I agree that no war is a utopian state. It si unachievable because of human nature but we always can work towards it. If we do not do anything, more war could happen. That is even worse. I appreciate that you took an interest in this post.

    Jonathan Koh

  7. Dear Jonathan,

    I agree that wars are not good and senseless. Most people go to war because they want more power. People are greedy by nature. For example, Japan invaded Singapore for oil, land, power and because it has a strategic position. The Japanese are not satisfied with what they already have. That is what led to World War II.

    However, a world without wars is implausible. When a man is insulted, mistreated or has a lower position, he would naturally fight for a higher position. If the USA thought that wars were bad, they would not have fought with Japan when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and we would still be under the rule of the Japanese.

    Despite the devastating and dire consequences of war, some people still go to war. When someone you know smacks you (hard) on your head, you would probably hit him back to "return the favour". That is also war, but on a very, very, very small scale. What I am trying to say is that wars can happen anytime at anywhere. This is human nature. Fighting cannot be stopped completely and permanently.

    I also agree with the part about the people fighting blindly. Do they not have any sympathy or pity for the people they kill? If we follow the evolution theory (which is probably true), all of us, humans, have the same ancestor and we all are connected and related to one another. So why are people killing their relatives (distant or not) in wars? It is probably due to the leader who is able to control them.

    And now, with the invention of nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs, a nuclear war can happen. It is just a matter of time. If that really happens, even more people would be killed or injured either immediately or slowly due to radiation.

    I hope the number of wars worldwide would diminish rapidly.

    Yours sincerely,
    Samson Yu

  8. Hey Jonathan, reading this blog post remind me of a GP question I once gave my students - Is war a neccesary evil? Think about it.
