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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Health beats the rest

Health is the most important. People often neglect their health. They work and work , earn and earn. I really wonder how they could live until today. Many people tend to overwork. Some may even die from it. We must always have sufficient rest. If not , we may not perform in our tasks. For example, the day before a test, we must not study late into the night. We will be so tired that we would not absorb information. On the day of the test, we will be so grouchy and tired that you could fail or even sleep in the tests even though you had done enough preparation. Not having enough rest can lead to illnesses. You will be sick and in the end no work can be done. So I feel rest is the most important.

Next, your diet should be nutritious. Do not eat too much fast food like Mac Donald's. It is high in calories and low in nutrients. Overeating of sweeties can make you overweight. It is very unhealthy to be overweight. When fats are formed on your body, you need to work doubly hard to burn them. So I suggest that we eat food they are high in carbohydrates like rice and noodles. They are easier to burn. Too much ice-cream is a big no. High in sugar food can be easily turn into fats if they are not burned. You know what I drink to keep healthy? It is herbal soup. These herbal soup are very nutritious. It helps the body in many ways. Some make you feel warm while others cure or prevent illnesses. You may think they are very bitter, actually some are not bitter at all. It is true that some are bitter but it is good for your health. My mother was right to force me to drink herbal soup since young. That is why I am healthy and not sickly like some other people. Drinking herbal soup should be a habit. At every dinner , there should be a bowl of herbal soup to drink.

Another or actually the most important is you get a lot of exercise. Exercising train your cardiac muscles and all the other muscles too. It also builds up your stamina. I highly recommend swimming and running. Swimming trains stamina and almost every muscle in your body. Running does the same too. I always go running with my sisters. My sister runs when she is free and she can complete at LEAST 10 rounds at one go. I can't accomplished that. So I must train more. I also play tennis as a CCA in school.The training is extremely tiring but it is very good. We do a lot of physical training to build stamina, push-up, sit-up, shuttle run, long distance run, skipping you name it.I recommend you get a sporting CCA as it trains you to be fit before you go for NS. Exercising also burn fats. It is a good way to slim down.

The obesity rate in Singapore is on the rise. We must watch our diets and regularly exercise. We must also watch other peoples' diet to prevent them from becoming obese. After becoming obese, it is very difficult to become fit and return to your previous size. So start caring for your health. If not.....( it will be bad)


  1. Hey Jonathan,
    You are pro! Your use of good vocab, style of writing, in fact EVERYTHING is good! Good job!

  2. Have you read in the papers recently that gym membership is going up despite the fact that there is a recession going on? I thought it was amazing as gym membership can be expensive and people are getting pay cuts and retrenched and all. Turns out that these people are seeking exercise as an avenue to relieve stress. Strange. Why can't they go jogging in the park, though?

  3. OMG! Ms Soh commmented on your blog!!! Tres bien!!! Brava!!!

    AKA little bunny foo foo

  4. MS SOH,
    How about considering the fact that gyms are air conditioned, and you know how we Singaporeans love the cold refreshing air in a air conditioned room. SHIEOK!
    Who really cares about the recession? After all,to me health is far more important than wealth. Heard of the phrase"留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧." IF one feels that the gym is a more conducive place for exercise, then there is simply no stoping them whatsoever. Who wants to jog in the park nowadays! Get all sweaty and smelly then stink the wole house or classroom.
    Although every once in a while, we should always be mindful of the economic downturn and play our part to help Singapore surbive this recession. But i personally feel that, health is still the most important. ONE LIFE per person, no more no less.
