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Monday, March 09, 2009

Flowers for Algernon Reflections

This is an assignment that I had forgotten to do.

Which Charlie do you like the best. the Charlie with an IQ of 68 or the one with an IQ of 200? Explain why?

I would like the Charlie that has an IQ of 68. It will be much easier to talk to as a friend. The Charlie with the IQ of 200 is too intelligent. He uses very profound vocabulary that only high intelligent people can understand. When Charlie talked to Dr. Nemur and Dr.Strauss, they too stared at him. This shows that these intelligent scientists cannot understand what Charlie is talking as that topic is at a higher level of their intelligence.IF smart scientist could not understand, we, people at the average IQ will feel equally lost, not able to understand Charlie. This will make people around him feel inferior. They will dislike him for being smarter than them and avoid him too.

The Charlie with the lower IQ is innocent. He does not know what is going on around him. He is living a carefree life with no worries. He is contented with his life . The smarter Charlie later found out that his friends like him because they made fun of him in the past. This affected him emotionally, making him fall into depression. He is definitely not happy. As he is smart, he found the ugly truth of his friends nature. He felt sad, disappointed and depressed. This could have been avoided if he remains mentally challenged. Being innocent has its benefits, as Charlie could happily live the rest of his life by not know the truth that will wreck his world.

I conclude that I like the Charlie with the IQ of 68. Although intelligence may be good, sometimes the benefits of being mentally challenged outweigh the benefits of being smart. In this case, Charlie would be happier if he had an IQ of 68 and not 200.


  1. There are many factors that cause Charlie to be more likable, and yes, I agree with you. Charlie is indeed more likable when he was less intelligent, as he has better social skills compared to the Charkie with extremely high intelligence. Although both Charlies(charlie before and after the experiment)are different from the "normal" people, Charlie is able to mix and communicate better with those around him. I feel that too high an intelligence may also lead to the misuse of it ,clearly expressed in Dr. Nemur. Thankfully, this was not the case with Charli.

  2. So you would agree with the idiom: Ignorance is bliss?

  3. I wouldn't exactly agree that "ignorance is bliss" in all kinds of situation. In Charlie's case, I think that most of us feel that it is true that ignorance is bliss. But in situations where you really need to know something, ignorance can be a murderer. And, you said that since the smart scientists, Nemur and Strauss, could not understand Charlie's words, and thus we would be equally lost, I just want to point out that we would be much lost, probably thinking that Charlie was just a pig honking. Nothing really wrong with that though :) Anyway, I really like your blog.

  4. Dear Jonathan,
    Your whole family has been kidnapped by me. I will not tell you who I am, or where your family is.
    Yours sincerely,
    (In case you dont know, Im the henry from 6a)

  5. Jonathan,
    Now you know how it feels like to speak with you. The profound vocabulary and such.
