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Thursday, July 02, 2009


The casino being built in Singapore is supposed to be a money-maker and job creator. However, many people have spoken against it. Talk to a parent or adult and get their view on the casino. Listen to the NPR and YouTube offerings and choose one that substantiates your viewpoint and include a quote from it as well. Your blog entry has to be at least 200 words and you must either support the casino or condemn its construction and ultimately the hardships it will cause in Singapore .

Gambling have cost lives of people and countless money,yet people still gamble.Why?It is due to their they become a compulsive gambler,they will become a "compulsive liar"too as stated in one video.They lie to their family where they are going,lie how much they earn or lost.In the end, this addiction cost their retirement funds,life-long investment money,assets and houses.They not only hurt their pockets,but also their family members.

Now, in Singapore, a casino is being built after having the green light from the Government.Is it good? Or is it bad?It is good for compulsive gambler.But I do not support the decision of building a casino.I feel that the casino destroys lives with their long arms,tempting people to gamble.My father said however,"Building a casino is good for Singapore,it creates a lot of jobs for the uneducated, as the uneducated cannot find any job and playing in the casino as work would be easy for them,this decision will help them.It will also make Singapore much richer.Casinos in other countries have brought in huge income to the countries,having one in Singapore will attract people around the world.It would boost the tourism industry.However, makes people lose a lot of money and some may lose all their assets due to gambling.The Singapore casino has a very special feature.If you make a request no to allow a certain person in the casino to gamble as he or she is your relative ,when the certain person comes,the guards will block him from entering." However,my mother was not too optimistic about opening a casino ins Singapore"A casino should not be allowed in Singapore.Even though it may make Singapore richer,It destroys the lives of the people living in the country.People cannot resist the temptation to not gamble.Now,people still buy Toto and 4D in Singapore and people already suffered.With a casino that bets larger amounts,if the person loses,it will be the end of him. This create a lot of social problems like murder and theft for money to gamble"

In the video,Jonny W said he "started gambling at the age of 12 years old .When he first start out it was the matter of having"fun" and "hang out with my friends"Later,he found himself"saving my lunch money" to gamble"He cross the line when "(he)was in college,trying to go to school" and in college "(he)was always short of funds"and he thought he could increased his funds by going out to gamble.In the beginning,he kept winning"but (he) always wanted more"Soon he found himself"going there every night and on the weekends and every opportunity"soon,he kept losing."the more (he)lost,the more (he)wanted to return and reclaim (his) losses.In total losses,he lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. He became "alienated by(his) friends"He later got a "divorce"with his wife and she took away the two children.Jonny W said"basically,I was out on the streets trying to survive,

This is a perfect example why casino should not be built in Singapore.It shows the life of a compulsive gambler and the consequences of gambling.He lost everything,House,car,marriage,children and all his money.Building a casino will increase crime rate.When people lose money in gambling,the more they wanted to gamble to win the money back,but they do not have any money left.So,they steal or kill as they cannot resist the temptation of gambling.Some gamblers have been thrown into jail because of this.Hearts will be broken as they are send to prison. I agree,casino does bring many jobs and money to Singapore and would certainly help some people like the uneducated.I believe the reason of building a casino in Singapore is to not lose out in the global tourism industry and want to create a tourist attraction. I must say this,to strengthen a country to increasing tourism by sacrificing and destroying many peoples lives,I do not think it is a good way to do it.Perhaps a little sacrifice must be made to make a country prosper.